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Tea for two, a Tale for You" Short Stories for ELT
Performance 1, 2 y 3
A series of books for the teaching of English at Argentine Secondary Schools.
Short stories for ELT

Buenos Aires is filled with inviting bars where that special aroma of freshly percolated coffee lures the most varied clientele, from politicians planning who knows what power strategies, to philosophers wondering about the meaning of existence, would-be lovers or quarrelling couples whose hearts pound in synchronisation with the bustle in the streets outside and writers busy inventing imaginary worlds. It was in one such bar, hidden away in San Telmo, the city's colonial neighbourhood, that "Tea for Two, a Tale for You" left the womb and took its first wobbling steps.
"What do you think about publishing an ELT reader with stories right here, in Argentina?" asked Alicia Ramasco almost nonchalantly. Alfred Hopkins stared at the black liquid in his cup for a minute, wondering whether Alicia was asking a question or making a suggestion.
Perhaps it was a suggestion in the form of a question. "You mean write stories for an ELT reader? That sounds like an exciting idea but..."
From then on the project grew from coffee to coffee and e-mail to e-mail. Alicia has just finished her PhD. on how to use stories for the teaching of English. Alfred, part teacher, part actor and part journalist, was game for a new project.
The idea was to originate material with a local hue, although as the book began to take shape the authors decided to rewrite and include classics such "A Christmas Story", "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Cinderella", giving them an Argentine touch. The stories in this collection are presented in an ascending level of difficulty. We hope the reader will find them entertaining, thught provoking and useful for the learning of English. Welcome to "Tea for Two, a Tale for You!" Readers are invited to send their comments to:
The aim of this brief collection of stories is to give readers access to tales generated in Argentina for students of English.
The stories are arranged in an ascending level of difficulty and include the re-writing of a number of traditional tales.
THey include a great variety of subjects and styles and are designed to provoke language learning through post reading
activities such as discussions, character descriptions and re-writing.
"At long last: stories written in Argentina for students of English! And what stories! From the simple to the complex is
the formula used in "Tea for Two, a Tale for You." That formula works marvellously not only for this book of fascinating
tales, but for language learning and practically any other kind of learning experience. A hearty embrace for this
noteworthy attempt to bring Argentine reality into English classroom!"
Patricia González, principal
Centro de Estudios Ingleses