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TEACHING ESL: its Barriers and Remedies
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TEACHING ESL: its Barriers and Remedies

Pondering over the field of teaching ESL,we often find that students encounter barriers and hurdles that should be met with specific practices and strategies from the part of practitioners. In this article,we will learn about those barriers and the remedies teachers ought to use to face their students´most urgent needs. The barriers above mentioned refer to : 1)The cognitive load, 2)the culture load, 3)the language load and 4) The learning load.

It refers to the number of new concepts embedded in a language.We should consistently assess prior knowledge of all students to identify the concepts and skills they do or do not possess.Any conceptual gaps should relate new concepts to life experiences of ESL students.It is essential to understand these gaps and destroy them before starting with the teaching process itself.

It relates to the way language and culture are connected and the amount of cultural knowledge required to comprehend meaning or participate in an activity.Students need to learn words in context to understand the meaning. Additionally the information conveyed in our textbooks and lessons is culturally embedded.Some texts or topics can actually be culturally offensive. The following strategies can help teachers to lighten the culture load for students: a)Teachers should treat English learners with respect,not judgement,and try to be friendly with their students. b)Teachers can use information through these relationships to develop lessons and activities that help students understand their teacher´s culture. c) By demonstrating respect for their students,teachers allow a door of trust to open that can serve to further deepen a nurturing teacher-student relationship. d)An atmospkere of joy should be created to avoid threatening feelings. A sense of humour from the part of the teacher is always relaxing.

It refers to the number of unfamiliar words encounterd as an English learner reads a text or listens to teacher or peer academic talk.Teachers can lessen this load by rewriting or explaining text material. Academic vocabulary can be presented in advanceat the start of a lessonand highlighted.Furthermore,teachers should model academic and social languageand scaffold its appropriate use to help the learner acquire it.

It represents what teachers expect students to do with English in the learning activities.Teachers should carefully consider the learning load of all activities making adaptations and offering support accordingly.One such strategy is the language bath.This strategy involves the teacher in doing the initial talking about a new topicand students listening before any brainstorming or any other activity is asiigned. Motivation is very important at this stage.Teachers should share their own passions with students. Critical selection and creative implementation of curriculum are also important.

As a CONCLUSION we could say that the odds mentioned can be ridden over by the use of appropriate strategies as remedies which include cooperative learning,positive social interaction,language-rich classroom and the incorporation of multicultural literature into the curriculum.
Dra. María Alicia Ramasco Padilla

2013::: Dra. María Alicia Ramasco :: |