Reasons why the Civil War took place
TEACHING ESL: its Barriers and Remedies
English through music
Volcán Chaitén
Storytelling in the Classroom
USA States
The Roots of Revolution
“How To” Congress Workshop Abstract: “Breathing Life into Words”
“Some notes about the writing skill"
“El Evangelio según Agnes"
Short Stories
Short Stories II
Short Story: The Visit
The Yellow Wallpaper
The Manchester Marriage

The Yellow Wallpaper
The Yellow Wallpaper” : short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman who was a prominent feminist American writer(1860-1935).This is an iconic story about a woman( we never know her name) who begins her journal by marveling at the grandeur of the house and grounds her husband has taken for her summer vacation. However,she says “there is something queer about it” and wonders why the price was so cheap and why it has stood so long untenanted.We learn through her own words that she suffers from a “ nervous depression” and John,her husband who is a doctor has decided to confine her to a room in the attic where she should stay both in isolation and inactive, thinking that it would do good to her.” If a phisician of high standing, and one`s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression-a slight histerical tendency-what is one to do?” John somewhat belittles both her illness and her thoughts and concerns in general.She contrasts his practical rationalistic matters with her own ,imaginative, sensitive ways.She is especially forbidden from working or writing. She feels that activity,freedom and interesting work would help her condition.She has begun her secret journal in order “to releive her mind”.The room where she lives is “big, airy, with windows that look all the ways and air and sunshine galore.The windows are barred and there are rings and things in the walls.”But she is strangely concerned by the yellow wallpaper which , as time passes, becomes an obsession.The pattern of the paper clearly resembles a woman who is trying to get out from behind a wall or some bars.The narrator sees her shaking the bars at night and creeping around during the day, when the woman is able to escape briefly.The following day, she starts biting and tearing at the paper in order to free the trapped woman.The wallpaper is like a mirror in which she sees herself reflected as the woman who is trapped behind the bars struggling to escape. By the end the narrator is hopelessly insane. She creeps endlessly around the room. When John breaks into the locked room and sees the full horror of the situation,he faints in the doorway so that the narrator has “ to creep over him every time!”
Dra. María Alicia Ramasco Padilla

2013::: Dra. María Alicia Ramasco :: |